The Desk

The Desk
So many projects . . . so little time!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Week 5, Thing 11

I guess you just can't love everything about this course. This exercise was that for me. I looked at every one of the sites and really wasn't enchanted with any of them. The one I chose to follow up on for this exercise was On this site people list the things they want to accomplish. I started my list.

I also joined a Library 2.0 group on Ning. I didn't see anyone else who appeared to be an elementary library worker there.

One thing that I am a little wary about is giving too much personal information out, including my email address. Both of these experiences required listing my email address. I felt like I needed to create a new email address just for these "accounts" so I signed up for an additional Yahoo email.

It was nice to have the "play" activity prior to this one. I'm looking forward to moving on to something else.

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